Publications and Guidelines


Shedding of infectious SARS-CoV-2 in symptomatic neonates, children and adolescents

Researchers from Geneva demonstrate that 50% of SARS-CoV-2 PCR positive children of all ages also sheded viable (in vitro cultured) virus, which is potentially infectious. Culture positivity correlated positively with viral RNA copy number

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Diese interessante in vitro Studie suggeriert, dass nur ein ein Teil der PCR positiven Proben infektiös sind, v.a. diejenigen mit hoher Kopienzahl

#diagnosis #prevention #infectious diseases #pediatrics #neonatology

Association of Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors With Severity or Risk of Death in Patients With Hypertension Hospitalized for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection in Wuhan, China.

In this retrospective, single-center case series of the 1'178 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infections at the Central Hospital of Wuhan, China, involving 362 patients with hypertension, no difference in severity of the disease, complications, and risk of death in those who were taking ACEIs/ARBs, compared with those not treated with these medications was observed.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

In dieser retrospektiven Studie zeigt sich, dass Patienten mit einer arteriellen Hypertonie, welche mittels ACE Hemmer oder Angiotensin Rezeptor Blocker behandelt wurden, keinen schlechteren Verlauf von Covid-19 haben im Vergleich zu den Patienten, welche mit anderen Medikamenten behandelt wurden. Dies ist beruhigend und demnach sollten Patienten mit einer arteriellen Hypertonie ihre Medikamente unverndert weiter einnehmen.

#prevention #therapy #general #cardiology #cardiovascular #nephrology #diabetes #cerebrovascular

Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial

First published randomized trial evaluating remdesivir vs. placebo in hospitalized patients from China. No impact of remdesivir on time to clinical improvement or viral load. Larger trials are needed to show a potential beneficial impact if remdesivir is started early

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Negative Resultate bei der ersten randomisierten Studie zu remdesivir. Möglicher Klinischer Benefit bei Gabe von Remdesivir wenn Symptome <10 Tage muss in grösseren Trials bestätigt werden.

#treatment #infectious diseases #internal medicine

Covid-19: What do we know so far about a vaccine?

An accurate one-page summary of the current status of vaccine development against SARS-CoV-2

#prevention #infectious diseases

The race for coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide.

Eight ways in which scientists hope to provide immunity to SARS-CoV-2

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Illustrative Arbeit über die verschiedenen Strategien zur Erforschung und Bereitstellung eines Impfstoffes

#prevention #general

Aerodynamic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in two Wuhan hospitals.

Hospital toilets can be a hotspot for airborne viral RNA. The new coronavirus’s RNA can travel through the air, and might spread by way of small particles exhaled by infected people. The team detected elevated levels of viral RNA in locations such as a small toilet used by patients, and staff changing rooms. No viral RNA was detected in staff rooms after they had been disinfected. Low to undetectable levels were found in the hospitals’ well-ventilated patient wards. They suggest that measures such as routine disinfection and better ventilation could help to control the virus’s spread

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Die Studie aus Wuhan über Spitaltoiletten weist auf ein Porblem hin, das möglicherweise gerade in kleineren, dezentralen Arztpraxen noch mehr beachtet werden könnte


Epidemiology and transmission of COVID-19 in 391 cases and 1286 of their close contacts in Shenzhen, China: a retrospective cohort study

Among household contacts of infected patients the secondary attack rate was unrelated to age. Children and adolescents were equally likely to be infected as older adults (infection rate 7.4% in children <10 years vs overall proportion of 6.6%).

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Interessante Daten zur heiss diskutierten Frage, ob Kinder seltener infiziert werden oder nur seltener symptomatisch werden. Diese Studie unterstützt Letzteres.

#clinical #infectious diseases #epidemiology

Risk factors of critical & mortal COVID-19 cases: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis

A systematic review and meta-analysis of 13 studies with 3027 patients corroborating that male, aged over 65 and smoking patients might face a greater risk of developing into the critical or mortal condition and the comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease or respiratory diseases could also greatly affect the prognosis of COVID-19.

#clinical #review #ICU #infectious diseases #internal medicine

Renal histopathological analysis of 26 postmortem findings of patients with COVID-19 in China

Case-Series of histopathology findings from 26 patients who died from COVID-Infection in China.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Die Biopsien zeigen ein gemischtes Bild aus akuter Tubulus Nekrose des schwerkranken und intensiv-pflichtigen Patienten und virus-spezifischen akuten inflammatorischen Veränderungen. Mikroangiopathische Veränderungen wurden in dieser Autopsieserie nicht gefunden.


SARS-CoV-2 infection of kidney organoids prevented with soluble human ACE2.

Recombinant human ACE-2 inhibits protects kidney organoids from infection with COVID-19 virus particles.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Diese Studie offeriert zwei Perspektiven: (1) Testung von rekombinantem ACE-2 als passiver Schutz vor Infektionen, (2) Organoidkulturen von vielen Individuen zur Identifizierung von (genetischen) Prädispositionen für COVID-19 Infektionen.
