Publications and Guidelines


Estimating Survival of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients from Admission Information

The Authors of this preprint propose a survival probability calculator based on the presentation of 5'233 COVID-19 patients. Thia tool may help in critical decision support

#general #ICU

Cardiac injury is associated with mortality and critically ill pneumonia in COVID-19: A meta-analysis.

In this meta-analysis, including 2'389 COVID-19 patients from 13 studies, the authors report that cardiac injury is associated with mortality, need for ICU care, and severity of disease

#clinical #ICU #cardiology

Imaging Publications in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Applying New Research Results to Clinical Practice

The authors of this article analyse examples from the current literature on CT diagnosis of COVID-19 to illustrate how underlying factors such as study design and study population characteristics affect the results and their meaning.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Von der Studie aus Wuhan zum Einzelfall in Bern? Dieser höchst lesenswerte Artikel erklärt worauf man achten muss, wenn man die Resultate einer wissenschaftlichen Studie im klinischen Alltag anwenden möchte.

#imaging #medical education #review #diagnosis #radiology

International Expert Consensus Statement on Chest Imaging in Pediatric COVID-19 Patient Management: Imaging Findings, Imaging Study Reporting and Imaging Study Recommendations

This consensus statement addresses imaging of COVID-19 children. The publication includes recommendations on the use of radiographs and CT in the diagnostic work up of paediatric patients and discusses the role of structured reporting for both plain film and CT.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Alle bisherigen Empfehlungen zur Rolle der Bildgebung bei COVID-19 haben sich auf erwachsene Patienten beschränkt. Diese Publikation zur Bildgebung für Kinder mit COVID-19 schliesst diese Lücke und bietet eine gute Ressource für alle, die sich auf die Eigenheiten der Bildgebung von pädiatrischen COVID-19 Patienten vorbereiten wollen.

#consensus statement #diagnosis #imaging #radiology

Presymptomatic Sars-Cov-2 Infections and Transmission in a Skilled Nursing Facility

Authors conducted two serial point-prevalence surveys, 1 week apart, in about 89 residents of a nursing home facility in the Washington state in the US. Twenty-three days after the first positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR resident at this nursing facility, 57 of 89 residents (64%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. More than half of residents with positive test results were asymptomatic at the time of testing (but developed symptoms lager in 89%) and most likely contributed to transmission.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Dieser rasch verlaufende Ausbruch der SARS-CoV-2 Infektion in einem Pflegeheim anfangs März wurde sorgfältig aufgearbeitet. Erneut starke Indizien, dass infizierte Personen vor Auftreten von Symptomen ansteckend sein können.


Pulmonary Embolism in COVID-19 Patients: Awareness of an Increased Prevalence

In this case series in france, the authors have seen among the 107 first consecutive confirmed COVID-19 patients admitted in ICU for pneumonia, an unexpected high number of pulmonary embolism (i.e. 22 patients, 20.6%) during their stay. This number was twice as high as compared to a control period or compared to influenza cases. More data is needed to evaluate whether Covid-19 patients are at increased risk for pulmonary embolism and whether heparin prophylaxis regimen should be adapted.

#clinical #prevention #cardiovascular #ICU #pneumology

Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19

The authors demonstrate in 3 Covid-19 autopsy cases the endothelial cell involvement across vascular beds of different organs. They found evidence of direct viral infection of the endothelial cell and diffuse endothelial inflammation, i.e. endotheliitis, which could explain the systemic impaired microcirculatory function in different vascular beds and their clinical sequelae in patients with COVID-19.

#clinical #cardiology #pneumology #cardiovascular #internal medicine

Suppression of COVID-19 outbreak in the municipality of Vo’, Italy

Over 70% of the population of Vo, the town with the first COVID-19 death in Northern Italy, was tested before and after the lockdown. The prevalence was 2.6% and 1.2%, respectively. 43% of confirmed cases were asymptomatic and most new infections in the second survey were infected in the community before the lockdown or from asymptomatic infections in the same household.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Eine der ersten epidemiologischen Studien in der Allgemeinbevölkerung in Norditalien. Asymptomatische Infektionen waren häufig und spielten eine wichtige Rolle in der Transmission.

#general #diagnosis #infectious diseases #epidemiology

Chest X-Ray Findings in 636 Ambulatory Patients with COVID-19 Presenting to an Urgent Care Center: A Normal Chest X-Ray Is no Guarantee

Chest x-rays were normal in nearly 60% and normal or mildly abnormal in nearly 90% of patients presenting to the emergency department with symptomatic (and later confirmed) COVID-19. Frequent findings on abnormal chest x-rays were interstitial and/or multifocal changes in the lower lobes.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Das konventionelle Röntgenbild spielt untergeordnete Rolle in der Diagnose von COVID-19. Für das Patientenmanagement ist der Röntgenbefund trotzdem wichtig, weil er einen Beitrag leistet zum Entscheid zwischen Hospitalisation und Heimisolation.

#diagnosis #imaging #radiology

Patients with RT-PCR-confirmed COVID-19 and Normal Chest CT

CT can play an important part in the diagnostic work-up of patients with COVID-19 and a lot of attention was given to instances where CT outpaced RT-PCR diagnosis of COVID-19. This short communication provides on an overview of published data on the opposite: instances where CT was normal in patients with confirmed COVID-19.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Das CT ist wichtiger Bestandteil der diagnostischen Abklärungen von stationären Patienten mit COVID-19 Verdacht. Dieser Artikel erinnert daran, dass die CT keine diagnostische Sicherheit bietet, und dass der CT Befund bei Patienten mit bestätigter COVID-19 auch normal sein kann. Dazu kommt, dass die CT Befunde einer COVID-19 Pneumonie auch bei anderen viralen Pneumonien auftreten können. Aufgrund der erhöhten Vortestwahrscheinlichkeit während der Pandemie werden bestimmte Befundkonstellationen zurzeit jedoch als charakteristisch für COVID-19 beurteilt.

#opinion #imaging #diagnosis #radiology