Publications and Guidelines


The COVID-19 vaccine development landscape

Le et al. give an overview of the COVID-19 vaccine discovery by early April 2020. 73 condirmed and active vaccine candidates have been developed across the world, of whom 5 are already in clinical phase I studies. Overall, 56 (72%) are being developed by private/industry developers and 22 by the public/academic sector

Innerhalb von wenigen Monaten wurden 73 verschiedene, aktive Impfstoffe entwickelt, und einige werden schon in klinischen Studien evaluiert

#prevention #review #infectious diseases #epidemiology

NAS letter suggests ‘normal breathing’ can expel coronavirus (anm: NAS: National Academy of Sciences)

Discussion of evidence showing possible distribution of SARS-COV-2 via aerosols and feces

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Verbreitung von SARS-CoV-2 via Aerosole und Stuhl nicht ausgeschlossen.


Neonatal Resuscitation and Postresuscitation Care of Infants Born to Mothers with Suspected or Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection

The presented approaches provide flexibility and allow perinatal health care providers and parents to determine the best options based on the assessment of risks and benefits, available personnel, space, case load, and resources. In the pandemic of COVID-19, the common ailments of neonates will remain higher on the differential diagnosis. However, the possibility of infection from SARS-CoV-2 should be considered in the ill infant for the foreseeable future. It is also of prime importance that health care providers protect themselves while providing the best care possible.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Gute Übersicht über Handlungsmassnahmen bei der neonatalen Versorgung zum Schutze des Neugeborenen sowie des geburtshilflichen Teams bei einer COVID-19-postiven Mutter.

#obstetrics & gynaecology #neonatology

Together against Coronavirus - Covid Guide

Ein online symptom checker, der eine recht detaillierte Anamnese erhebt und eine individuelle Entscheidungsunterstützung liefert. Entwickelt von der in4medicine in Bern, in zusammenarbeit mit zahlreichen internationalem Partnern, inklusive der eNotfallmedizin des Inselspitals.


Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes with COVID-19: a systematic review of 108 pregnancies

Although the majority of mothers were discharged without any major complications, severe maternal morbidity as a result of COVID-19 and perinatal deaths were reported. Vertical transmission of the COVID-19 could not be ruled out. Careful monitoring of pregnancies with COVID-19 and measures to prevent neonatal infection are warranted.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Dieser systematische Review, welche 18 Publikationen mit insgesamt 108 COVID-19-positive Schwangerschaften untersuchte, zeigte dass die Mehrheit der Fälle ohne Komplikationen verliefen: In diesem Studienkollektiv kam es zu keinen maternalen Todesfällen, aber zu einem intrauterinen Fruchttod (IUFT) und Versterben eines Neugeborenen. Eine intrauterine vertikale Transmission (von Mutter zum Kind) kann deshalb nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

#obstetrics & gynaecology

Coronavirus Disease 2019: Initial Detection on Chest CT in a Retrospective Multicenter Study of 103 Chinese Subjects

In this study with 103 patients under investigation for COVID-19 initial CT had a high sensitivity but specificity and the negative predictive value were only modest. These findings add to the growing body of evidence that CT has a low value as screening tool for COVID-19.

#diagnosis #imaging #radiology

The Role of Chest Imaging in Patient Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multinational Consensus Statement from the Fleischner Society

The consensus statement of this international, multidisciplinary panel provides guidance on the current role of imaging during the COIVD-19 pandemic, clearly summarized in flow-charts for different scenarios.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Das Verständnis zu Rolle und Einsatz der Bildgebung während der COVID-19 Pandemie verfestigt sich auf globaler Ebene zunehmend. Die Empfehlungen der Fleischer Society stimmen in ihren grundlegenden Punkten mit den vor wenigen Tagen veröffentlichten Empfehlungen der Europäischen und der Amerikanischen Gesellschaften für Radiologie überein.

#diagnosis #imaging #pneumology #radiology

Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19 patients

10 patients with severe COVID-19 infection were given convalescent plasma in addition to standard care after a median time of 16.5 days of symptoms. The infusions were well tolerated and could significantly increase or maintain the neutralizing antibodies at a high level, leading to disappearance of viremia in 7 days. Several clinical and laboratory parameters improved rapidly.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Die Therapie wurde gut toleriert und könnte ein wichtiger Therapieansatz bei COVID mit schwererm Verlauf sein. Die optimale Dosis und Zeitpunkt sind noch nicht bekannt und der klinische Benefit muss in grösseren Studien evaluiert werden.

#treatment #immunoresponses #infectious diseases #ICU

Clear plastic drapes may be effective at limiting aerosolization and droplet spray during extubation: implications for COVID-19

The authors of this article propose the use of clear plastic drapes for extubation to reduce the spread of droplets during extubation

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Dies ist eine mögliche Variante das Problem der Tröpfchenbildung beim Husten bei der Extubation zu reduzieren. Verschiedene Wege führen zu dem Ziel und sind legitim. Dies ist jedoch ein sehr einfacher Ansatz. Das verlinkte "supplemental video" ist interessant.

#prevention #treatment #anaesthesiology #ICU

Aerosol-spread during chest compressions in a cadaver model

This CPR simulator model and cadaver study for chest-compressions during CPR showed that chest-compression only CPR has a high risk for aerosol spread. Endotracheal intubation itself however also has a high risk of aerosolization. Insertion of a laryngeal tube with HEPA-filter during CPR may lead to improved oxygenation and protect health care providers.

#treatment #prevention #emergency medicine #anaesthesiology