Publications and Guidelines


SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody LY-CoV555 in Outpatients with Covid-19

Phase 2 trial that tested use of monoclonal antibodies in patients with mild or moderate COVID-19. Patients who received LY-CoV555 hat lower viral titers and slightly lower severity of symptoms compared to placebo.

Comment Knowledge-Management Taskforce Covid-19

Diese Studie bietet erste Hinweise, dass die Gabe monoklonale Antikörper in einem frühen Stadium den Krankheitsverlauf mildern kann.

#treatment #immunoresponses

Vertical transmission of coronavirus disease 2019: a systematic review and meta-analysis

In this systematic review 936 neonates from mothers with coronavirus disease 2019, 27 neonates had a positive result for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 viral RNA test using nasopharyngeal swab, indicating a pooled proportion of 3.2% for vertical transmission.

Comment Knowledge-Management Taskforce Covid-19

Dieser systematische Review zeigte, dass im 3. Trimester der Schwangerschaft eine SARS-CoV-2-Infektion mit einer tiefen Rate einer vertikalen Transmission assoziiert war; ungefähr 3.2%. Diese neonatale Infektion hatte für die Säuglinge keine signifikante Konsequenz. Unklar ist jedoch, ob die vertikale Transmissionsrate mit dem Schwangerschaftsalter variiert und ob eine Transmission im 1. Trimester einen teratogenen Effekt auf den Fetus haben könnte.

#review #obstetrics & gynaecology #neonatology

Management Considerations for Pregnant Patients With COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed extreme stress on the national health care system. As the epidemiology of COVID-19 evolves, obstetrical care providers must manage pregnant patients with COVID-19 in the setting of little to no experience or rigorous data from which to develop protocols and guidance.

Comment Knowledge-Management Taskforce Covid-19

Umfassende Abhandlung bezüglich der Betreuung von Schwangeren mit COVID-19-Infektion; herausgegeben von der internationalen “Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine”

#guidelines #obstetrics & gynaecology #neonatology

Pulmonary function and radiological features four months after COVID-19: first results from the national prospective observational Swiss COVID-19 lung study

In this Swiss multi-center study 47 patients after mild/moderate and 66 patients after severe/critical SARS-CoV-2 infection were followed up 4 months after recovery. In the patient group with a severe/critical course there were significantly more patients with a higher BMI, higher age, hypertension, diabetes and renal failure. A severe/critical condition during COVID-19 was associated with decreased pulmonary function as assessed by predicted % diffusion of carbon monoxide (DLCO), reduced distance during a 6 minutes walking test and exercise induced blood oxygen desaturation at 4 months follow up. Mosaic hypoattenuation in chest CT was significantly associated with severe/critical disease progression of COVID-19. Importantly, predicted % DLCO was the strongest and most important correlate for a severe/critical condition during COVID-19 infection, which may explain the reduced walking distance and desaturation during exercise. According to the authors this is the first European prospective longitudinal cohort study to understand the sequelae and different functional trajectories of COVID-19 patients.

Comment Knowledge-Management Taskforce Covid-19

113 COVID-19-Überlebende wurden in der Studie eingeschlossen (leicht/mittelschwer 47, schwer /kritisch 66). Es wurden mehrere Komorbiditäten als Risikofaktoren für einen schweren/kritischen Krankheitsverlauf identifiziert.

#general #publication #infectious diseases #pneumology

Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for up to 8 months after infection

Analysis of persisting anti-SARS CoV2 humoral, B- and T-cell immunity in 188 patients with mild to moderate COVID-Infection

Comment Knowledge-Mangement Taskforce Covid-19

Humorale, B- und T-Zellimmunität bleibt in der Mehrzahl der Patienten erhalten >6 Monate nach einer COVID-19 Erkrankung.

#general #infectious diseases #immunoresponses

Efficacy and Safety of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

Phase III results for the second COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (Moderna, mRNA-1273) demonstrate a similar performance compared with the Pfizer/Biontech BNT162b2 vaccine. Overall vaccine efficacy over 2 months after dose 2 was 94.1% with no differences according to gender, ethnicity and presence of risk factors. Efficacy > 65 years was somewhat lower (86%). Reactogenicity as to be expected, no severe adverse events reported.

Comment Knowledge-Management Taskforce Covid-19

Die Daten erhärten die hohe Kurzzeit-Immunogenität und Schutzwirkung von COVID-19 mRNA Impfstoffen mit 2 priming Dosen innert 3-4 Wochen bei guter Tolerabilität. Preliminäre Daten suggerieren zusätzlich Potential für Schutz vor asymptomatischer Infektion nach Dosis 1.

#vaccine #prevention #infectious diseases #immunoresponses

Mortality, Stroke, and Hospitalization Associated With Deferred vs Expedited Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients Referred for Symptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Postponing the treatment of patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis increases the risk of worse patient outcome.

Comment Knowledge-Management Taskforce Covid-19

Diese Arbeit aus dem Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern zeigt am Beispiel von Patienten mit Aortenklappenverengung auf, welche Gefahren das Verschieben von nicht-akut lebensbedrohlichen Eingriffen aufgrund der COVID-19 Pandemie mit sich bringen kann.

#imaging #radiology

A Deep-Learning Diagnostic Support System for the Detection of COVID-19 Using Chest Radiographs A Multireader Validation Study

In this comparison between man and machine, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm outplayed human radiologists in classifying chest radiographs into “normal”, “COVID-19 pneumonia”, and “other pneumonia”.

Comment Knowledge-Management Taskforce Covid-19

Forschende des Inselspitals und der Universität Bern haben ein auf Künstlicher Intelligenz basierendes System entwickelt, welches  auf Lungenröntgenbildern besser zwischen «Normalbefund», «COVID-19 Pneumonie», und «Andere Pneumonie» unterscheiden konnte als Radiologen.

#imaging #radiology

Postoperative Onset and Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Surgically Resected Specimens From Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients With Pre/Asymptomatic COVID-19

Case series with one of the first series of patients with COVID-19 undergoing abdominal surgery. Illustrative is the visualization of SARS-CoV2 in the GI-Tract.

Comment Taskforce Knowledge-Management Covid-19

Mittlerweise fast schon medizinhistorische Serie von chirurgischen Patienten aus Wuhan. Die Relevanz der kleinen Serie liegt in der Visualisierung von Sars-Cov2 in der Mucosa der Resektate. Verminderte Heilung von Anastomosen und eine Infektion von Chirurgen sind mögliche Folgen.

#diagnosis #surgery

Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine

This is a comprehensive report of the Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine product tested in a randomized trial (43'448 participants who received the vaccine or placebo injection). Based on 170 laboratory-confirmed infections, vaccine efficacy was 95% (90%–98%) for more than 7 days after a second dose of vaccine. Subgroup analyses for the age group over 65, gender and obesity category show similar vaccine efficacy estimates (all over 90% although with more uncertainty). The safety profile of the vaccine was characterized by short-term, mild-to-moderate pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. The incidence of serious adverse events was low and was similar in the vaccine and placebo groups.

Comment Knowledge-Management Taskforce Covid-19

Und nun der zweite ausführliche Bericht über eine SARS-CoV-2 Impfung. Diesmal das Produkt von Pfizer/ BioNTech. Der Bericht enthält auch Resultate zur Wirksamkeit in Untergruppen (Alter, Geschlecht, Studienregion, Übergewicht), welche alle ähnlich gut aussehen. Die kurzfristigen Nebenwirkungen/Beschwerden sind ausführlich beschrieben und deutlich höher als bei der Placebo-Impfung (27% and 12%), was aber nicht erstaunt. Schwere Nebenwirkungen waren in beiden Gruppen selten (0.6% vs 0.5%).

#prevention #infectious diseases #epidemiology